Monday, October 19, 2009

Back again

Back again. It is now mid-October and the brushes have been busy over the summer. I am still working on the collection of Tarn landscapes and have been doing a series of the churches at St Cecile, Gaillac, Vieux, Itzac, Labastide de Levis, Montaigut. Some of these will shortly be appearing on the website,
I am working closely with Alan Ansell; we paint together in the countryside. Alan and Gordon Frickers, are sharing my studio. In May Rodger Naylor, Ruth's brother and a successful American painter, came to stay and joined us labouring in the vineyards. Their paintings can all be seen on their various websites.
We have taken part in a number of mixed exhibitions some with local groups, artistes-en-liberte and entreesdesartistes in Albi and elsewhere, and with Helene Wolbert near Montauban, and are getting ready our plans for future exhibitions. I am hoping to have a show in London in the new year.
I have installed two big pieces this year. Aurora, commissioned by a friend for her house near Lavaur is a big symbolic painting of the coming of dawn in the local landscape, with life size figures of Aurora and Night.
Secondly, the guest bathroom here has finally seen the installation of the camel frieze, which I designed too long ago and which was made for me by Wiart Tiles of Salernes.
It has been a beautiful autumn here in Itzac, rather better than when I have been in London, and the storeroom, which is decorated by my harvest mural, is filling up with pumpkins, apples, onions, garlic and other crops from my garden.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Just to let you all know I am still trying to work this thing out. More exciting news to follow.